Social Beliefs
The Bible explicitly states that marriage is ordained by God between one man and one woman and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that children are to obey and honor their parents, and to do otherwise is to commit sin and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that husbands are commanded by God to love their wives “as their own bodies;” that he who does not provide for his home has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel; that wives are commanded to submit to their husbands as unto the Lord; and that women should learn to love their husbands and children and be good housekeepers and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that adultery, fornication, and the inward act of lust are sins that will be punished by eternal damnation and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that divorce is hated by God and is not to be practiced except in circumstances involving fornication. However, it is clearly stated that if unbelieving spouses depart, believers are not bound in such cases and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that abortion is considered murder and murder is a sin that will be punished by eternal damnation and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that homosexuality dishonors of the human body; is the result of turning away from God; is an abomination to God; and is a sin that will be punished by eternal damnation and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that alcoholic beverages (“wine” or “strong drink”) cause your heart to forget the word of God and to lust; that alcoholic beverages have a deceptive quality; and that drunkards [those who get intoxicated (this would include the use of drugs)] shall not inherit the kingdom of God and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that government leaders are ministers of God and that God commands us to honor them, to pray for them, and to pay government taxes. The Bible also states that righteousness exalts a nation and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that there is a time and a season for war; that there will always be wars and rumors of wars; and that governments (“rulers”), as ministers of God, bear weapons in order to execute “wrath upon him that doeth evil” and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that poverty, hunger, and sickness are inevitable and constant troubles of man; however, Jesus taught that we as individuals should love our neighbor as ourselves, and among other things this means giving to the poor, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, comforting the sick, visiting those who are in prison, and performing all other such acts of personal generosity and compassion and that is what WE BELIEVE.
The Bible explicitly states that the earth is given to man by God and is to be dominated by man; that the animals of the earth were and are given to man for consumption and use; that worshiping creatures and/or the creation is a sin that will be punished by eternal damnation; and that the earth will be destroyed by fire the day Christ returns and that is what WE BELIEVE.